Pre School

Mum & Me

Thursday 11-11.45 or Friday 12.30-1.15pm. Cost is $100 a term This is a creative dance class for children who are 3 at the start of the year & a caregiver who 'dances' with them..
We do runs, skips, dance with scarves, wands etc, do floor exercises for feet /legs etc sometimes some Hi-5 etc
No special gear is needed but fairy dresses are most popular[ Farmers & Postie also have a reasonably priced range of dance clothes ].
Most wear bare feet to start but I do suggest ballet shoes for the winter terms [we will have some 2nd hand ones for sale at the studio]


Saturday 11.30-12.15 [normally students who completed Mum & Me] & Saturday 12.15-1pm. Cost is $100 a term. This class is for children who are 4 at the start of the year
This is the beginnings of ballet but with a creative edge to it as that suits children at this age. The classes are structured so that each week there is a different Theme eg toyshop, fairyland, treasure island, outer space, zoo etc.
No special gear is needed but fairy dresses are most popular [ Farmers & Postie also have a reasonably priced range of dance clothes –especially for girls] Boys can wear shorts or leggings & t shirt etc. Or dress up in their favourite costume.
Most wear bare feet to start but I do suggest ballet shoes for the winter terms [we do have some 2nd hand shoes for sale through the studio]
Parents are allowed to view classes but I ask that there is no talking